Somatic – online consulting – coaching



Are you stuck? Would you Change and Make a Change? Did you come to the point where you realised that this can’t go on?



When should you seek my support in the form of this somatic – online consultation – coaching?



If you answer YES to most of the following questions, then by all means!


    • Want to experience the joy of being liberated?
    • Do you constantly find yourself clinging to relationships that don’t work?
    • Are you still living your life according to your childhood traumas and patterns?
    • Are you afraid to discuss your relationship breakdowns with your partner?
    • Do you even have a partner or have you been alone for a long time?
    • Do you want to connect, but an invisible chain keeps pulling you back?
    • Do you lack self-confidence?
    • Are you always putting others before yourself?
    • Tired of unworthy connections?
    • Are you afraid to stand up for yourself?
    • Do you find it hard to open up?
    • When you have to talk about things about yourself, do you feel embarrassed?
    • Do you feel ashamed when asked about your desires?
    • Do you long to experience intimacy, familiarity, intimacy?
    • Do you long to be loved for yourself, to be accepted for who you are?
    • Do you long for intimacy?



You have to open yourself! You need to break free from the blocks that are limiting you.

Your intimacy is the part of your private life that you keep hidden from others because your trust has been damaged.

And trust can only come from within!

But do you really need to hide yourself in a distrustful way? Do you really have to live your whole life operating through your defence mechanisms? Your childhood traumas can only have an impact on your life if as an adult you abdicate the responsibility to let go of them with dignity, to work through them.

Believe, not just believe, but know that you are worthy of living a life of value!

And a life of value can only be lived with confidence. By connecting safely with yourself, by freeing yourself from the blocks that limit your body, and thereby experiencing closeness with a person, a partner, a friend, a family member, who accepts you for who you are, who does not judge, but to whom you can open up with courage.

Liberated to share your desires, thoughts, fears, feelings, without shame.

Yes, it’s not easy to open up and take the first steps if you don’t have the confidence to be yourself. You haven’t learned to communicate your feelings and desires because you are afraid of being judged, because you haven’t experienced confidence. Therefore, you do not accept your own imperfection, which would be true courage and what others would really appreciate in you.

Because the real strength is to dare to admit your weaknesses.

To be intimate, you need to open up, you need trust. And for trust, you need courage. It’s a process of becoming more and more daring to show yourself, without masks.

As you free yourself from the weight of emotional imprints stored deep in your body, you will dare to feel more and more deeply, to embrace yourself, to connect, and your trust will grow stronger and stronger…


I support you in this process.

I will create for you a safe environment where you can open up and where there is no judgement, only acceptance. In this way we will strengthen your self-acceptance.

Why is self-acceptance important? Because it is the foundation of self-love. Self-love is the foundation of trust. And trust is the foundation of intimacy. And you can only live a life of value by living intimacy.

First you learn to communicate with me about your emotions, about sensitive subjects, and then you learn the courage to communicate with those who are worthy of it.


That’s why it’s important to uncover the blocks that limit your ability to experience trust during the coaching process.

You will be freed…

You are going to…

And our goal is for you to be liberated to dare to be yourself, to dare to feel, to live a life of value.



Ready to go?


I’ll lead the way!



Lívia Nagy

intimacy and sexuality – somatic consultant



Feel free to contact me!

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