Surrender: megadom magam az intimitásban

Először akkor ismerkedtem meg közelebbről a megadás fogalmával, amikor részt vettem egy elvonuláson.

A trauma és a bondage kapcsolata

A trauma és a bondage viszonya olyasmi, amiről mindenkinek tudnia kell, hogy felelősen mondhasson igent.

BDSM, kötözés, shibari – interjú Andy Buruval

Az alábbiakban az Andy Buruval készült interjú szövegét közlöm magyar fordításban.

Why did I start working with somatic therapy?

Why do we react to things the same way? Why repeat the same patterns? This has a lot to do with our body.

Inner child: your deeply nurtured child self

It is a common problem that we cannot say what we want, because we develop a pattern of behavior as a response.

Solving traumas in the body, somatic methods

The essence of somatic methods is to be good with our body, to get to know our body, to be able to communicate with it.

Develop and learn through your body! Somatic therapy

The purpose of somatic therapy methods is to learn how to treat your own body and learn to listen to it.

Sexological Bodywork

Min múlik az izgalmi állapot és az orgazmus? Hogyan lehet mindezt felszabadultan megélni, a partnerünk felé kommunikálni?

Is sex great for everyone?

One of the most common misconceptions is that sex is great for everyone. Lots of problems and inhibitions can hinder self-surrender, enjoyment and the acceptance of experiencing pleasure. In this video, I will tell you how a qualified and experienced intimacy coach can help.

Relationship pitfalls: the causes of problems

The roots of our emotions are always in the unconscious. What makes you feel most connected to your partner?
